subdiagonal การใช้
- It is typically used to zero a single subdiagonal entry.
- The inverse of a Lehmer matrix is a tridiagonal matrix, where the superdiagonal and subdiagonal have strictly negative entries.
- Note that some textbooks have the ones on the subdiagonal, that is, immediately below the main diagonal instead of on the superdiagonal.
- Anyway, my problem involves looking at whether or not M-\ lambda I is invertible, the matrix in question having only-\ lambda s on the diagonal and + 1s on the subdiagonal.
- For instance, the LAPACK Fortran package stores an unsymmetric tridiagonal matrix of order " n " in three one-dimensional arrays, one of length " n " containing the diagonal elements, and two of length " n " & minus; 1 containing the subdiagonal and superdiagonal elements.
- The third example below uses the square of the original " PL " 7-matrix, divided by 2, in other words : the first-order binomials ( binomial ( " k ", 2 ) ) in the second subdiagonal and constructs a matrix, which occurs in context of the derivatives and integrals of the Gaussian error function: