sympathique การใช้
- He may have been 62 at the time, but many found their leader inspiring and " sympathique ."
- Among the returned items was the " Marie Antoinette " and a valuable " Sympathique " clock, also by Breguet.
- The collection includes one of the early marine chronometers by Ferdinand Berthoud, a pendule sympathique by enameled pocket watches, and a most instructive timeline illustrating the history of the Neuch鈚el pendule.
- In 2004, " Gros mammouth album turbo " ( certified Platinum by the CRIA ) was released with two extra tracks, " Loin d'ici " and " Turbo sympathique ".
- In 1837 he published a treatise, " " De l'influence du nerf sympathique sur les fonctions des sens " ( On the Influence of the Sympathetic Nervous System on the Functions of the Senses ) ."
- "He was wonderful to be with, " L'Allinec said . " He was very sympathique, he was loud, he was drinking-- he'd tell me,'Come on, have a drink.
- Prosper Lucas wrote his thesis and presented it on 28 August 1833, at The Facult?de M閐ecine de Paris : " " De l'imitation contagieuse ou de la propagation sympathique des n関roses et des mouvements " ".
- He returned to Paris overflowing with the ideas that produced the Breguet balance-spring, his first carriage clock ( sold to House of Bonaparte ), the sympathique clock and its dependent watch, the tact watch, and finally the tourbillon, patented in 1801.
- In pas mal " ( not bad ) is used similarly to the English, while " il n'est pas antipathique " ( " he is not disagreeable " ) is another example, actually meaning " il est tr鑣 sympathique " ( " he is nice " ), though you don't want to admit it.
- ""'Gros Mammouth Album " "'is the first album by Qu閎閏ois rock / pop band Les Trois Accords released in 2003 and re-released in 2004 as "'Gros Mammouth Album Turbo "'featuring two new tracks,'Loin d'ici'and'Turbo sympathique '.
- "He makes an effort to speak French and that is very appreciated, " said Franck Salmon, 42, who has the television in his Paris bar tuned to the Tour de France on race days . " He is a good communicator, he is ` sympathique,'he is a well-loved champion ."
- Mes contacts comme 閠udiant m avaient cependant montr?que le milieu 閠ait plus sympathique et humain que les autres h魀itaux . ?Pierrette Legault travaille aussi ?Sainte-Justine ?l 閜oque, notamment pour assister les familles de la Petite-Bourgogne . ?Ma femme travaillait d閖?l? c 閠ait une autre raison valable pour rejoindre les rangs de Sainte-Justine . ?/s>
Just before he died in 2004, Diller had confessed his crime to his wife, Nili Shamrat, and in August 2006 she attempted to sell a batch of the stolen items ( including the " Marie Antoinette " watch and a Breguet " Sympathique " clock ) back to the museum, although her initial asking price of $ 2 million was eventually cut down to just US $ 35, 000. - The book received positive reviews from Dahlia Lithwick, who described the book as a " riveting, " " unforgettable tale, " and from U . S . Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who wrote that the book was " a powerful reminder of women s strength in the face of adversity, their will to overcome difficulties, and, together with " sympathique " brothers-in-law, to work toward a system of justice accessible and fair to all ."