teleosaurus การใช้
- Soon he discovered remains of " Teleosaurus " in one of the Caen quarries, and he became an ardent palaeontologist.
- In 1827 Mantell described additional teeth, pointing out the similarities to the crocodylian " Teleosaurus " and " Gavialis ".
- The author of the 1888 description considered " S . purbeckensis " an intermediate form between " Steneosaurus " and " Teleosaurus ".
- Owen correctly identified " Teleosaurus " as slender Jurassic Crocodilians with very long thin jaws and small eyes, inferring from the sediment in which they were found that they were " more strictly marine than the crocodile of the Ganges [ the gharial ] ."
- He was one of the founders of the museum of natural history at Caen, and acted as honorary curator; he was likewise one of the founders of the Socit?linnenne de Normandie ( 1823 ), to the transactions of which society he communicated papers on " Teleosaurus ", " Poekilopleuron " ( " Megalosaurus " ), on Jurassic mollusca and brachiopoda.
- The type species was named " Teleosaurus Calvadosii " [ Sic ] by Jacques Amand Eudes-Deslongchamps in 1866; however, it was his son, Eug鑞e Eudes-Deslongchamps who erected the generic name " Teleidosaurus " later in 1869 for " Teleosaurus calvadosii " . " Teleidosaurus joberti " is a junior synonym of " T . calvadosii " . " T . calvadosii " is known from the plastotype NHM R . 2681, a complete skull and mandible and from NHM 32612, the plastotype of " T . joberti ", fragmentary right mandible.
- The type species was named " Teleosaurus Calvadosii " [ Sic ] by Jacques Amand Eudes-Deslongchamps in 1866; however, it was his son, Eug鑞e Eudes-Deslongchamps who erected the generic name " Teleidosaurus " later in 1869 for " Teleosaurus calvadosii " . " Teleidosaurus joberti " is a junior synonym of " T . calvadosii " . " T . calvadosii " is known from the plastotype NHM R . 2681, a complete skull and mandible and from NHM 32612, the plastotype of " T . joberti ", fragmentary right mandible.