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teleonomy การใช้

  • One is teleonomy which Monod defines as the characteristic of being " endowed with a purpose or project " ( Monod, 9 ).
  • In 1970, Jacques Monod, in " Chance and Necessity, an Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology ", suggested teleonomy as a key feature that defines life:
  • Subsequently philosophers like Ernest Nagel further analysed the concept of goal-directedness in biology and by 1982, philosopher and historian of science David Hull joked about the use of teleology and teleonomy by biologists:
  • Monod later retracts autonomous morphogenesis ( spontaneous structuration ) as a property of living beings and says instead that it should be thought of as " mechanism " leaving two essential properties of living beings : reproductive invariance and structural teleonomy.
  • In the essay " Chance and Necessity " ( 1970 ) Jacques Monod rejected the role of final causation in biology, instead arguing that a mixture of efficient causation and " pure chance " lead to teleonomy, or merely " apparent " purposefulness.
  • In chapter two " Vitalisms and Animisms " Monod states that invariance must have preceded teleonomy, a conclusion reached by the Darwinian idea that teleonomic structures are due to variations in structures that already had the property of invariance and could therefore preserve the effects of chance mutations.
  • Talcott Parsons, in the later part of his working with a theory of social evolution and a related theory of world-history, adopted the concept of teleonomy as the fundamental organizing principle for directional processes and his theory of voluntarism as a principle of action and the idea of a certain directionality in history.
  • He briefly discuses the murky metaphysical vitalism of Henri Bergson and then discusses the scientific vitalism of Elsasser and Polanyi which contend that physical forces and chemical interactions that have been studied in non-living matter do not fully account for invariance and teleonomy and therefore other " biotonic laws " are at work in living matter.