unpoetic การใช้
- Unlike Blake, his mad visions were pathetic, unpoetic and fatal.
- In unpoetic Miami, what eludes BC is the magical self-confidence of the Doug Flutie era.
- Marcelo Durst's cinematography has a touch of poetry, with well-framed shots of inherently unpoetic subjects.
- In 1891, the post office arrived in the area and the surrounding community was given the practical but unpoetic name of Acme.
- With its drudging riff and unpoetic lyrics, " Let's Roll " came off as more reactionary than reflective.
- Romeo Gigli exhibited the work of Jacopo Foggini, an industrial artist, who had learned from his father, a designer of car parts, the art of spinning the most unpoetic of materials _ tail-light plastic.
- The very idea of lists has something inherently narrow, petty, unpoetic about it . List, list, O list ! cried Hamlet s father s ghost in exasperation, and I couldn t agree more &
- Currently, he's sharing an apartment with two roommates on busy Cambridge Street, in the shadow of the Mayflower Poultry Company, known for its large, unpoetic building sign : " Live Poultry Fresh Killed ."
- Influenced by continental Baroque, and taking as his subject matter both Christian mysticism and eroticism, Donne's metaphysical poetry uses unconventional or " unpoetic " figures, such as a compass or a mosquito, to reach surprise effects.
- The whole contretemps left the FBI and the CIA hurling unpoetic imprecations at each other, with the spooks clucking their tongues at the ham-handed gumshoes and the special agents who catch Russian spies muttering darkly and cursing intelligence services everywhere.
- But Poets are a quirky lot, and the first, but not lasting, reaction from some was concern, since this peripheral art's loneliness was seen as part of its strength; the next common reaction was that the idea of connecting money to poetry was somehow unpoetic.
- "Take me for a hard-boiled unimaginative unpoetic reader and tell me how dice can bequeath an embassy ( or anything else ); and how a calyx ( of death's bounty or anything else ) can give back a scattered chapter, livid hieroglyph . . ."
- Likewise, when I was stalled in traffic at one of Sarasota County's approximately 16, 398 road construction projects, I was prone to wax unpoetic about our County Commission, the Department of Transportation, the Trilateral Commission and any other organization that might be remotely responsible for the deplorable and seemingly permanent state of disrepair of our local boulevards.
- To the former corresponds the " Apokopos ", a satire of the dead on the living; to the latter the " Piccatores ", a metrical piece decidedly lengthy but rather unpoetic, while the former has many poetical passages ( e . g . the procession of the dead ) and betrays the influence of Italian literature.
- That poetic identity that has the same characteristics of migration, supremacy, and prophethood in an immoral, miserable, and unpoetic world that represents the ugly face of the world . . . [ the poet s ] overwhelming sense of prophethood, together with the image of a crucified prophet, is similar to the image of Jesus in its universal imagination.
- In some countries the film's English language name was used, in some it was translated, in some it was utterly different, and in Japan it was very strange-something like " the snow falls from the autumn sky ", which seemed to carry no resemblance to the actual ( let's face it, wholly unpoetic ) film.
- Confusion is the state we are intended to be in . " Jonathan Rosenbaum disliked the film, and commented in his review of " Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind " that " Memento " is a " gimmicky and unpoetic counterfeit " of Alain Resnais's 1968 film " Je t'aime, je t'aime ".
- The 1.2-mile-wide asteroid with the decidedly unpoetic name of 2002 NT7 is apparently going to whoosh right past us without so much as a howdy-do, meaning that we have to go back to worrying about the same old boring stuff we had been worrying about before, such as the stock market, Iraq and whether Billy Bob Thornton will ever find true love.
- In the chapter about " A Folk Tale " in " My Theatre Life " ( " Mit Teaterliv " ), Bournonville makes his attitude to the present and the past clear : he indicates that our practical and rather unpoetic times ( which seem about to precipitate a period of literary and artistic crop failure on the very lands that were once the richest soil of the imagination ) art has fallen by the wayside.