zechstein การใช้
- Outcropping Zechstein rocks are limited to the edges of basement uplifts.
- The Magnesian Limestone is now incorporated within the Zechstein Group.
- NAM found the Netherlands'first gas in Zechstein carbonates at Coevorden in 1948.
- This Zechstein stage also comprises dolomites and limestones.
- Later, during the Zechstein and Muschelkalk the region was largely flooded by the sea.
- The Capitanian stage was part of the time in which the Zechstein was deposited in Europe.
- During the Zechstein the sea ingressed from the Arctic Ocean to the north into the basin.
- Furthermore, in the south near Heidelberg, there is still zechstein under the Early Triassic deposits.
- It is the type locality for the Raisby Formation, a carbonate unit of the English Zechstein sequence.
- In Dutch lithostratigraphy, the Rotliegend lies on top of the late Carboniferous Limburg Group and below the Zechstein Group.
- The gypsum karst landscape with its Zechstein deposits features caves, sink-holes, dolines, ponors and karst springs.
- The eventual disappearance of the Zechstein Sea was part of a general marine regression that preceded and accompanied the Permian-Triassic extinction.
- Er ist in der Kreide durch den Aufstieg of Zechstein-Salzen entstanden, die die j黱geren Deckschichten of the Mesozoikums sattelartig aufgew鰈bt haben.
- Gas was found by chance in a water well near Hamburg in 1910, leading to minor gas discoveries in Zechstein dolomites elsewhere in Germany.
- The Ten Boer well failed to reach target depth for technical reasons, but was completed as a minor gas producer from the Zechstein carbonates.
- Between Bad Sachsa and Neuhof, the Uffe flows immediately past the foot of the Sachsenstein, a former coral reef in the Zechstein Sea.
- Common to both ranges, but also to other low mountain ranges in Central Europe uplifted at the same time, are the bordering Zechstein deposits which contain Bryozoa reefs.
- These stretch especially wide on the northwestern edge of the Thuringian forest, where the landscape park of Altenstein Palace is located on one of the largest Zechstein reefs in Germany.
- After analyzing seismic data over a wide region, he proposed that Silverpit was just one of many similar features related to the withdrawal of the Permian-age Zechstein salt.
- The Basin is surrounded by a wide outer girdle of limestone ( Muschelkalk ) ridges ( including Hainich, D黱, Hainleite, Hohe Schrecke, Schm點ke, Magnesian limestone ( Zechstein ).
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