centry การใช้
- We're all ready for the 21st centry !"
- It lasted another half a centry, " he told a joint session of parliament.
- Triads originally were formed as secret societies in China in the 17th centry to try to overthrow the Manchu Ching dynasty.
- The project will preserve the landmarked exterior of the old Syms building, used as an operating theater in the late nineteenth centry.
- Fair use being used for public domain images from the turn of the centry and far too many fair use images of the Golden Bough Plyhouse.
- It also includes discussions on the first-centry sage Akiva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, author of the Zohar, the core text of Kabbalah.
- But without competition for food from the dingo on the nearby heart-shaped island state of Tasmania, the shy, secretive animal held out well into this centry.
- The blaze tore through the Weimar's Duchess Anna Amalia Library, housed in a 16th-centry rococo-style palace, said Ulrike Bestgen, an expert with the Weimar Classics Foundation.
- In the early part of the centry, the California Progressives undercut parties by severely limiting their organizational capabilities, taking partisanship out of local government and even requiring parties to change their leaderships and their headquarters every other years.
- India and Pakistan put more than a half-centry of bloodshed behind them Tuesday, agreeing to start talks nex ~ month to tackle core disputes of nationalism and religion * thi | have dragged them into three wars, including the flashpoint issue of Kashmir.
- Reason : Xavier Le Roy is one of the most proinate contemporary choregrpahys of today and the articles on the subject is everso limited nad poorly understood . bring with an article about le roy will help begin a furthering of choreogrpahy of the 21st centry on wikipedia.
- "Then in the early 1990s, we decided to do a book on the architecture and history of Beacon Hill for profit, and formed our own publishing company, Centry Hill Press, " said Weesner, who had worked for Time Inc . and McGraw Hill in New York City doing production, editing, and research before moving to Boston.
- Joining HP in helping embed the software standards into their own products are pharmaceutical firms Eli Lilly & Co . and SmithKline Beecham; medical systems and software suppliers ADAC Healthcare Information System, Medasys Digital Systems, MedicaLogic Inc . and 3M Corp .; health care providers Duke University Medical Center, Mayo Clinic Rochester and Partners Healthcare System; Centry Analysis Inc . and Philips Medical System.