desmid การใช้
- Tadpoles consume small quantities of filamentous green algae and desmids.
- The desmids are often treated as members of the Zygnematales, as family Desmidiaceae.
- Many desmids also secrete translucent, gelatinous mucilage from pores in the cell wall that acts a protecting agent.
- Larva are known to feed on detritus, rod and cocci bacteria, diatom, filamentous algae and desmids.
- Desmids possess characteristic crystals of Barium sulphate at either end of the cell which exhibit a continuous Brownian type motion.
- The only other group of conjugating algae are the desmids, which live as individual cells often with a striking symmetrical appearance.
- The smaller family Mesotaeniaceae includes the saccoderm " desmids ", a group of unicellular species that were formerly classified with the " true " desmids.
- The smaller family Mesotaeniaceae includes the saccoderm " desmids ", a group of unicellular species that were formerly classified with the " true " desmids.
- Desmids commonly algae genus " Spirogyra " as some of them are filamentous, such as the species " Desmidium swartzii ".
- The desmids are sometimes placed in a separate order Desmidiales, which is closely related to Zygnematales, and the two are placed together in the class Zygnematophyceae.
- Desmids assume a variety of highly symmetrical and generally attractive shapes, among those elongated, star-shaped and rotund configurations, which provide the basis for their classification.
- The conservation charity Plantlife designated the St Just Moors, part of this SSSI, an Important Plant Area for the occurrence of Western Rustwort and the green algae desmids.
- The Plankton species in Baigul is rich comprising 17 genera of green algae, 4 genera of blue-green algae, 10 genera of desmids and 14 genera of diatoms.
- Ehrenberg interpreted these as being originally siliceous and thought them to be desmids ( freshwater conjugating algae ), placing them within his own Recent desmid genus " Xanthidium ".
- Ehrenberg interpreted these as being originally siliceous and thought them to be desmids ( freshwater conjugating algae ), placing them within his own Recent desmid genus " Xanthidium ".
- Between 1858 and 1885 he wrote over 230 scientific papers in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin, the vast majority are short notes on desmids collected in Ireland.
- The other group within the Viridiplantae are the mainly freshwater or terrestrial Streptophyta, which consists of the land plants together with the Charophyta, itself consisting of several groups of green algae such as the desmids and stoneworts . ( The names have been used differently, e . g.