lipogrammatic การใช้
- Wright also turns famous sayings into lipogrammatic form.
- The text contains a specimen of lipogrammatic writing ( a species of constrained writing ).
- "Zero Degree " ( 1991 ) by Charu Nivedita is a lipogrammatic novel in Tamil.
- "ZanzM ni Kuchibeni o " ( 1989 ) by Yasutaka Tsutsui is a lipogrammatic novel in Japanese.
- Wright was motivated to write " Gadsby " by an earlier four-stanza lipogrammatic poem of another author.
- "Eunoia ", a book written by Canadian author Christian B?k ( 2001 ), is a lipogrammatic work.
- All translators have imposed upon themselves a similar lipogrammatic constraint to the original, avoiding the most commonly used letter of the alphabet.
- In December 2009, a collective of crime writers, Criminal Brief, published eight days of articles as a Christmas-themed lipogrammatic exercise.
- Identifying lipograms can also be problematic, as there is always the possibility that a given piece of writing in any language may be unintentionally lipogrammatic.
- The seventh-or eighth-century " Dashakumaracharita " by DaG in includes a prominent lipogrammatic section at the beginning of the seventh chapter.
- The lipogrammatic novel " Ella Minnow Pea " by Mark Dunn is built entirely around the " Quick Brown Fox " pangram and its inventor.
- The late antiquity Greek poets Nestor of Laranda and Tryphiodorus wrote lipogrammatic adaptations of the Homeric poems : Nestor composed an " Iliad ", which was followed by Tryphiodorus "'Odyssey ".
- The full title of the hardcover version is " Ella Minnow Pea : a progressively lipogrammatic epistolary fable ", while the paperback version is titled " Ella Minnow Pea : A Novel in Letters ".
- In her translation of the lipogrammatic chapter, Onians omits the labial roman letters'b','m'and'p'. ( E . g ., she uses the circumlocution'honey-creator'instead of'bumblebee').
- It is not purely lipogrammatic, however, because the outlawed letters do appear in the text proper from time to time ( the characters being penalized with banishment for their use ) and when the plot requires a search for pangram sentences, all twenty-six letters are obviously in use.
- The book " Ella Minnow Pea " by Mark Dunn ( 2001 ) is described as a " progressively lipogrammatic epistolary fable " : the plot of the story deals with a small country which begins to outlaw the use of various letters as the tiles of each letter fall off of a statue.
- Twelve centuries after Tryphiodorus wrote his lipogrammatic " Odyssey ", in 1711, the influential London essayist and journalist Joseph Addison commented on this work ( although it had been lost ), arguing that " it must have been amusing to see the most elegant word of the language rejected like " a diamond with a flaw in it " if it was tainted by the proscribed letter ".
- Slonimsky's definition of "'sesquipedelian macropolysyllabification "'is : " Quaquaversal lucubration about pervicacious torosity and diverticular prosiliency in diatonic formication and chromatic papulation, engendering carotic carmination and decubital nyctalopia, causing borborygmic susurration, teratological urticulation, macroptic dysmimia, bregmatic obstipation, crassamental quisquiliousness, hircinous olophonia and unflexanimous luxation, often produce volmerine cacumination and mitotic ramuliferousness leading to operculate onagerosity and testaceous favillousness, as well as faucal obsonation, paralellepipedal psellismus, pigritudinous mysophia, cimicidal conspurcation, mollitious deglutition and cephalotripsical stultitiousness, resulting despite Hesychastic omphaloskepsis, in epenetic opisthography, boustrophedonic malacology, lampadodromic evagination, chartulary cadastration, merognostic heautotimerousness, favaginous moliminosity, fatiscent operosity, temulencious libration and otological oscininity, aggravated by tardigrade inturgescence, nucamentacious oliguria, emunctory sternutation, veneficial pediculation, fremescent dyskinesia, hispidinous cynanthropy, torminal opitulation, crapulous vellication, hippuric rhinodynia, dyspneic nimiety and favillous erethism, and culminating in opisthographic inconcinnity, scotophiliac lipothymia, banausic rhinorrhea, dehiscent fasciculation, oncological vomiturition, nevoid paludality, exomphalic invultuation, mysophiliac excrementatiousness, flagitious dysphoria, lipogrammatic bradygraphy, orectic aprosexia, parataxic parorexia, lucubicidal notation, permutational paronomasia, rhonchial fremitus, specular subsaltation, crapulous crepitation, ithyphallic acervation, procephalic dyscrasia, volitional volitation, piscine dermatology, proleptic pistology, verrucous alopecia, hendecaphonic combinatoriality, microaerophilic pandiculation and quasihemidemisemibreviate illation ."