predestinarian การใช้
- The " Pilgrim Predestinarian Regular Baptist Church " was constituted July 26, 1833 in Illinois.
- The New Hope Predestinarian Baptist Association of Illinois existed in 1877, but, was evidently extinct by 1906.
- In 1628, the Duke of Buckingham was made Chancellor of Cambridge University and all predestinarian teaching was subsequently banned.
- Ludlow was a Baptist and Calvinist predestinarian, and his political views were inextricably interlinked with providentialist and apocalyptic religious views.
- To clarify the situation, Whitgift drew up a list to define clearly the doctrines of Calvinism, which adhered to a predestinarian view.
- Bullinger and the Z黵ich church did not necessarily agree with Vermigli's double predestinarian view, but Bibliander's view was deemed unallowable.
- He is steeped in the predestinarian theology of Old Primitive Baptism, in which the fate of very small humans is selected by a very great God.
- The Covenanted Baptists held the doctrine of absolute predestination, and, after Primitive Baptists in the United States suffered division, remained in correspondence with the " Absolute Predestinarian Primitive Baptists ".
- Vermigli was involved in predestinarian controversy again when Zanchi, who had remained in Strasbourg when Vermigli left for Z黵ich, was accused of heretical teachings on the Eucharist and predestination by the Lutheran Johann Marbach.
- However, the more influential Reformer in early 17th century England was John Calvin, a strong advocate of predestination; many critics have found traces of Calvin's predestinarian theology in Shakespeare's play.
- Confession, like good works, implied that man had the chance to improve his chances of obtaining salvation and, again, was irreconcilable with the past fifty years and more of Calvinist, predestinarian teaching.
- The traditional Calvinist doctrine is one of the five points of Calvinism that were defined at the Synod of Dort during the Quinquarticular Controversy with the Arminian Remonstrants, who objected to the general predestinarian scheme of Calvinism.
- The doctrine is one of the so-called Five points of Calvinism that were defined at the Synod of Dort during the Quinquarticular Controversy with the Arminian Remonstrants, who objected to the general predestinarian scheme of Calvinism.
- This is a predestinarian belief but, because there are two seeds and not one, humanity is not rendered abject and the innocence of Adam and Eve still has a chance of coming to the top within modern humankind.
- This newsletter, " The Sectarian " devoted to the Cause of the Anti-Means, Old School, Predestinarian, or Bible Baptists " appeared in monthly installments from 1890 until Elder Smoot's death in 1938.
- There are numerous smaller bodies, some recently organized and others with long histories, such as the Calvinistic Baptists, General Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Old Regulars, Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, and independents.
- To refute the predestinarian heresy, Hincmar composed his " De praedestinatione Dei et libero arbitrio ", and against certain propositions advanced by Gottschalk on the Trinity he wrote a treatise called " De una et non trina deitate ".
- There are numerous smaller bodies, some recently organized and others with long histories, such as the Calvinistic Baptists, General Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Old Regulars, Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, independents, and Seventh Day Baptists.
- After the " missionary " and " anti-missionary " controversy brought division among Baptists, the " anti-missionaries " were called by names such as Old School, Old Regular, Predestinarian, and Primitive ( as well as the pejorative " hardshells " ).